Leading Disruptive Change
Crises can fundamentally transform the way we think about ourselves, the nature of life, and other beliefs. Things we take for granted disappear and in their place, we experience ambiguity and a world in which old patterns may lead to dead ends. We facilitate processes where individuals reexamine their assumptions but also those of the communities of which they were, or are, a member. Through inquiry, dialogue, and creative sense-making assignments, leaders re-examine their assumptions, beliefs, and identity, plus the data they use about a changing world, and crucially, their relationship to each of these before arriving at a new approach, an informed focus, and congruent action.
But, it is not enough to learn your way through one crisis, we teach how to assemble and reassemble reality as a permanent skill set. Future fluidity is our goal. Let's talk about where you are in the process of leading disruptive change.
Executive Presence, Authenticity, & Gravitas
We are inclined to define words like presence, authenticity, and gravitas as if grasping their objective meaning illuminates their essence. But, these three words are clear only when you consider their impact on others' feelings. Each is a by-product of how you engender respect and trust -- and that is a function of your focus. And your focus is a function of the frame you use to see the world and your place in it. We are sometimes asked if it's possible to be authentic and still win in business. Authenticity is not naivete, it is a transparency that fits -- or redefines -- a context. Let's have an exploratory conversation.