Our learning processes, models, and approach are based on research drawn from neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science, and the related fields of psychology, cognitive linguistics, philosophy, and sociology. We also use systems and organizational development theory -- plus four decades of professional experience helping people individually and collectively, in life and organizations, lead, work and live better.
You will find our research resources range from easy-peasy, accessible (yet still accurate) to polysyllabic, Latin-laced technical terms, and peer-reviewed scientific papers. In each case, we strive for accurate, grounded information. In our collection of research, we explain what we draw from that research and how we apply it to bring value to people and organizations in transition.
Please keep in mind that the essence of the scientific method is nourished by the essential debate and revision of diverse premises, approaches, and findings on a subject. We are constantly acquiring diverse viewpoints to update our understanding and provoke perspectives as part of continuous learning. If you have something that would further our understanding of a topic, please contact us.
The research we use is accessible to our clients.