Almost two thousand years ago, the Greek physician and philosopher, Galen of Pergamon coined the phrase neura for nerve taking into account the whole brain and nervous system and maintaining that there was no separation between body and mind (this much prior to Descartes and the guillotine). While he may have doubled down on a few erroneous notions (the humours, comes to mind), the idea that the body, brain, and mind are best looked at whole, coupled with agility – the ability to think and move quickly -- gave impetus to neuragility as a neologism (say that three times fast) or at least a portmanteau. In any case, Neuragility encompasses perspective to performance.
Today, the human brain (and body, indeed the entire nervous system) is challenged by rapid, ambiguous change when sense-making is complex, intense, and multi-layered. In other words, when it requires a disruptive change in beliefs about personal and social identity, relationships to others and institutions, plus mindsets and patterns of behavior. As in every high-change era, learning how to adapt requires neuragility as brains rethink and learn anew. This requires us to not just become more agile with the minds that were conditioned for past challenges but access the entire capacities of the minds/brains/bodies we have for disruptive and unexpected challenges – individually and collectively.
Using the sciences: neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, sociology, etc. to provide individuals and organizations with enhanced neuragility is our goal.
We look forward to working with you.